رَبَّنَا لاَ تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِن نَّسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا
ya Allah, Do not condemn us if we forget or fall into error

Monday, 14 June 2010

saat2 gile meryan ! *wink

terover epy plak

alamak ! crocs! - jg la ko crocs - jp lg ak attack ! ~ weeee

mek !

so libry , laen kli kitorg masok ek ....hehehe

libry lagik !

When I get older, I will be stronger
they’ll call me freedom, Just like a
waving flag

* feel freedom !

weeee.....(◕‿◕)....yip yip yippie ! yip yip hoorey !....
akhirnya dpt jugak noble kluar dr rmh ! slps kegilaan melanda..terasa bebas mcm burung2 terbang kt laut mediteraanean Alex tu...

nak yg nie !!! tp...

akhirnye....bak kate nasrol not bad ! weee....

1 hari 3 spect !

bergrak dr rmh - train - smpai alex - beli siap2 tket blik - pegi pntai - men redah je - tnye org - lmbt tol nk smpai pntai nie - akhirnya,smpai gak pntai - jln3 kt pntai - tgk org memancing - tgk laut - snap byk3 gmbr - pegi libry alex - snap gmmbr lg - bknnye nk masok libry bc buku - tp,asyik snap gmbr~ ngeeee - amek tksi pegi city cnter - withdraw duet - mkan lunch - mkn ayam + nasik + mirinda oren - ms mkn tu ( dlm ati : bila nk abes mkn nie? nk shopping ! ) - abes sdh mkn - shopping ! - tiap2 kedai masok - servey baju - masok terranova - test spect - bedal 1 spect - mek tie pon kene jampi beli spect (jht tol noble ~ weeee ) - masok calliope plak - jeling3 baju - last2 capai gak 2 baju (* abes duet noble ) - mek tie tgk jeans - tp,x ksmpaian gak sbb x de size ( dlm ati mek tie : slmt duet ak ) hahaha - lps merayap tiap2 kedai almost 3-4 jam - kluar p carefour - mek tie beli t-shirt - nice ! - pastu,tunggu teksi - snap gmbr lg smbil pakai spect br ( belagak stylo siket ~ ngeeee ) - teksi smpai - pgi tros mahattoh misr - tunggu train jap - then,blik ! - bosannye bila smpai rmh - nk kuar lg !!! - kk rj mcm tau3 je - die kate jom p cairo 28 nie ! yeay !!! - credit guys ! - luv u all -

  • thumbs up and credit to all my beloved prens aka wonderpets yg byk mmbantu ms duka n sngsara ~ tie , qai , toppiq , ilya , daus koq , n ect ( sorri x dpt list sume)...
  • "thums down" to gong chan !

~ alhmdulillah ..sumenye dh ok ! tengkiu LORD

Saturday, 12 June 2010

- sedey - full stop !

Monday, 22 February 2010

He dumps me !

hmmm.... "slh lg..almost 2-3 dh yg clap..." tu je yg mmpu noble ckp ms cek soaln histo td..geram btoll!!!....hoping for the best..but just put only a little afford on it ...mmg pdn sgt la "words" tu utk noble....serves u right!!!... "little afford on it??''...smlm tido almost 1a.m...khatam buku histo 2-3 kali...siket lg ke tu??..arggghhh!!!!...mcq questions sume dh jwb,..exercise sume dh bt....ap lg ko nk Mr.histo??...i've spent a lot of time on u.....jual mhl pulak ek??? nk die.,die x nk org pulak !!!huh!!!....

Mr.histo, u dumps me !!!.... smpai hati kamu !!!

be grateful...

lps blik2 jwb exam tros tgk muvie, sister's keeper ...release tensyen!!!.... muvie yg sgt best!!!....promoted by kak for you akak!!....mnagis noble dibuatnya... but then,..lps je abes tgk muvie tu...tros tringat kt Mr.histo tu balik....krg asyam btolll!!!... huh.....ap nk bt bnde dh lps...tawakal je la... selak2 faved book noble...trbc satu ayat nie...

"if the good times come to him,he is thankful and thus it is good for him,and if the bad times befall him,he is patient,and thus it is also good for him"

tersenyum kjp ms ayat tu...utk ak ke nie??...hehehe... btoll la ap yg die ckp...kite kene bersyukur!!...ap2 je yg Tuhan dh aturkn utk kite,..mesti ad himah so,keep doing the best...keep praying...smpai satu ms,bila tuhan nk bg...dia akn bg jugak...

" and he gave you of all that you asked for,and if you count the blessings of Allah,never you be able to count them.." (Qur'an 14:34) "..Aku kabulkn permohonan org yg berdoa apabila die berdoa kepadaKu .." (qur'an 2:186)

thanks my Lord,..Kmu mmg lover yg sgt sweet...keep praying nabilah,keep trying....grab Mr.histo into ur arm!!!....

with feet to take me where i'd go

with eyes to see the sunset's glow
with ears to hear what i'd know
o God,forgive me when i whine
i've been blessed indeed,the world is mine!

Mr.histo!!..plzzz be with me!!!......

Sunday, 21 February 2010

be powerful

waduhhh...skali lg i'm loosing my power!!
exhausted!!!.....byk pages lg x bc nie...esok pukol 10.00 am exam dh stat...sempat ke nie??..
masokk ke ap yg dh ak bc td??...saturated kpala noble..penangan Mr.Histo nie!!!....hmm..mmg byk2 subjek...histo la yg pling bwh skali rank die dlm list noble....x suke!!!.....just using our mind to remind all the details....bosan!!!!...biar la sume bdk medic kate fisio tu pling ssh,..but bg noble fisio is better and the most enjoyable one...!!!..bergegar synapse2 and axon2 dalam kpala ms nk study fisio tu....but,..that is the quality which make me fall in love with it...
what should i do with Mr.Histo??...have a blind-date together??..make a relationship together??...hmmmm.......
*loosing my self-esteem Lord,..give me strenght!!!...( praying alone )

"in the name of Allah - the all compassionate , All merciful "
first verse yg noble bc ms bukak buku healing body and soul...buku yg noble beli ms winter break ari sgt!!!!......
lps tu..teros noble nmpk satu tajok nie...."BE POWERFUL"
ssuai sgt ngan noble yg tgh down3 nie...

so,.i wanna share some tips for this episod...

boost our self-esteem

  • believe in your self-worth and your potential.think what your strong points are,write them and keep the list it to remind on improving it ,and for the same time ,keep ur faith in your creator..Always remember that Allah is with you,that you certainly are on the right path,and nothing can defeat you...
  • assess ur limitations and work with them.figure out how you percieve urself,recognise ur own personal limit and acknowledge ur human limitation....we are all human and have our flaws...sume org ad kelemhn kn??...x de sape pn,make a deal with them..
  • visualize ur personal success..imagine performing ur tasks well..the better u imagine urself,the bigger the booster u r giving to ur cnfidence..jgn angan3 mat jenin sudah la ek..
  • work to achieve ur visualized goal..and remember that ur aptitude and performance are related to ur levels of cnfidence.when things go wrong,do not get discourage,perceive it as a challenge and keep trying.focus on success and always maintain your positive self-image...
one more thing,...(most important point i think )

practise ur daily dhikr n prayer,it will rectifies ur mental image ,you visualise in ur heart a mental picture of urself as strong through Allah"s strenght and suceeding with ALlah's help and also reformulates any negative thoughts or self-doubts into confidence and strenght,it increase your faith in Allah and supports ur belief in ur abilities..

name : nabilah noble
weak point : hate histology
visualized goal : mumtaz histo !!!

- aja-aja nabilah -

Saturday, 20 February 2010

time for myself

when i got overwhelmed by too may things to do,when i am running out of time and my energy seems to be leaking out of me,i remember the "noble lens"..which have been left behind for a month...ngehehe...
argghh.....cilia n flagella...tu je yg noble dpt bc ms bukak buku histo tu...jam dh pukol 9.30 mlm,,..stu ap pon x masok kt kpala...exam plak lusa,,byk lagi chapter x cover nie...housemates sume tgh struggle...geram la plak...ak je dok dpn lappy nie...x gerak3 dr td...hmmm..."time for myself"..phrase yg cross kt ati noble...(pdhal nk bg sedap ati je tu)..*-* ckp2 psl time for myself nie...noble ad satu cite nk story kt sini..hhmm...b4 nie,noble share cite ni kt sorang besfren noble je..x smpat nk share kt kwn2,

lets get started!!

"a professor stood before his philosophy class and picked up a very largeand empty mayoannaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.then he asked the students if the jar was full.the students agree that it was... the professor than picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.he shokk the jar lightly.the pebbles then rolled into the space between the golf balls.then he asked the students again if the jar was full.they agreed it was.the proffessor next pick up a box of sand and pour it into the jar.of course the sand filled up everything else.he asked once more if thejar was full.the students responded wit unanimous “yes”..the proffesor then poured 2 cups of coffee into the jar,this effectively filled the empty space between the sand.the students laughed. “now”,said the proffessor ,as the laughter subsided,”i want you to recognize that this jar represent your life,the golf balls are the important things-family,children,health,and your close friends and relatives-things that everything else was lostand only the remained,yourlife is still worthwhile.the pebbles are the other things that matter like your job,car,..the sand is everything else-the small stuff. “if you put the sand into the jar first,there will be no more space for the pebbles,or the golf balls.,the same goes for your life,if you spend all your time and energy on small stuff,you will never have space for the that actually much more important to attention to the things that are critical to your happiness ,ie:say your prayers,playing with your children,tke your partner out to dinner.take care of the golf balls first..the thing that really matter .set your priorities .the rest is just sand.. One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled,.”i'm glad you just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,there is always room for a cup of coffee with a friend... (adaptasi fr healing body n soul)

so,,kpd kwn2 noble...belnja la noble minom kopi slalu...hehehe...

the morals of story : use our time wisely!!!...time is damn precious!!!...SET YOUR PRIORITIES!!!

pesanan utk diri sndiri plak...pegi bc buku la nabilah oiii!!...exam lusa!!...byk lg x bc nie!!!...serabot3!!!....cai yok3!!!..( jia you3 crrction made by one of my buddies..hehehe)...

.:gud luck myself:.